the hinc

the hinc

Hair Salon


大阪野田駅近くの昭和レトロビルの 1 階を改修したヘアサロンのインテリアデザインである。
平面の中心に新たなボリュームとして R の壁面を持ったカラーブースとスタッフルームを2分割し配置。余ったスペースを自然光で明るいカットスペースや待合のある領域と、奥まって暗く落ち着いたシャワーブースの領域に緩やかに分けた。
3種類の色温度を持つ直接LED照明を既存の躯体には4000k、カットスペースには3500k、シャンプーブースと待合スペースには 2700kと異なる色温度とし、場の特攄に合わせ高さを変えて配置している。
結果、飾りではない本質的な空間が立ち上がった。 それは、一見表層だけをデザインするように思われがちなヘアサロンだが、顧客に向き合いその旆を本質から美しく豊かにしてあげたいという彼等の想いとリンクしている。

設計監理 ひとともり + 建築設計事務所アリンコ
スピーカー listude
施工 Loowe
写真 河田 弘樹

This project is the interior design of a hair salon renovated from the first floor of a Showa-era retro building near Noda Station in Osaka.
The existing triangular floor plan, high ceilings, reinforced concrete columns, and beams with haunches had aged beautifully over time. Some might call it deterioration, while others may describe it as beauty cultivated by time. We shared this intrinsic beauty with the client and planned the space with minimal intervention to preserve this beautiful structure as much as possible.
At the center of the floor plan, we introduced new volumes by dividing and positioning a color booth and a staff room with rounded walls. The remaining space was gently divided into a bright area with natural light for the cutting and waiting space and a recessed, dim, and tranquil area for the shower booth. Each area features fixtures such as plywood topped with copper sheets, mirrors simply adhered to boxed and boards, bent copper pipe hanger rods, and speakers made of plywood scattered throughout according to their function.
Additionally, the lighting layout further enhances the space’s characteristics.
We used linear tubed LED lighting with three different color temperatures: 4000K for the existing structure, 3500K for the cutting space, and 2700K for the shampoo booth and waiting area. The lights are installed at varying heights to match the unique characteristics of each area.
The existing building was protected by iron angles at some corners, while other unprotected corners showed wear, adding to the building’s charm over time. The existing structure teaches us that beauty lies beyond superficial design.
Following this philosophy, we designed features such as copper rods to protect the stair nosing, intentionally exposed concrete honeycombs, and installed visible yet aesthetically pleasing electrical wiring.
The result is an essential space that is not decorative but both authentic and intrinsic.
At first glance, it may seem like a hair salon focused on shallow design, but it resonates with the salon’s desire to genuinely engage with customers and enhance their beauty and richness from within.

Design and Supervision: HITOTOMORI ARCHITECTS, arinco architects
Speakers: listude
Construction: Loowe
Photo: Hiroki Kawata